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Body Temple Dance

Body Temple Dance is a somatic, spiritual & energetic practice that combines dance, therapeutic movement, mystical teachings, energetic awareness, and modern trauma healing technology to support people in feeling their feelings, experiencing presence, exploring sensations in their bodies, and awakening to the inherent aliveness that comes with being both human & divine." -Adriana Rizzolo, Creator of Body Temple Dance

Body Temple Dance is designed to be done mostly in a group/workshop format, which I will continue to offer. Join my newsletter here for news about upcoming Body Temple Dance groups and workshops! However, Body Temple Dance can also be woven into 1:1 therapeutic setting in a way that is quite similar to other somatic therapy modalities, such as Hakomi, Somatic Experiencing or Somatic Archaeology.

It's all about gentle, creative practices for bringing awareness into the body (at your pace), and allowing a process to naturally unfold from there, guided by your own inner healer. In a manner of speaking, the body is the unconscious and it is the soul. It is where layers of personal and intergenerational trauma are held. When we work with the body, we go directly into the exact powerful, transformative work that you are ready for now.