
The Curious World of Intuition in Psychotherapy Private Practice

One of the things I've noticed in the therapy world is that, whether you're interviewing to work at a group practice, or you're simply describing your therapeutic approach on your private practice 'About' page, people are looking for and want to know which evidence-based therapeutic modalities you are most competent in and in which you base most of your work....[ read more ]


The word, "awake" has a proto-Germanic root, "weg," which means, "to be strong, lively." "Weg" is also the root of the word, "witch". That's right: "awake" and "witch" share the same root. How is it that "strong and lively" comes to be associated with "witch"? Let me put it this way. When activist, author and entrepreneur Marianne Williamson spoke on...[ read more ]

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Orange County, CA 94102

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